Tennis Documentary
Tennis Documentary By Dylan Grodner, Starring Nicole Dgani Nicole and I are both very good friends and we wanted to work on a film together. Turns out, although we are very good friends, we didn't know each other's favorite hobby. It ended up taking some time to think of what we like to do and what we could make a film on. After thinking about it we chose Nicole's favorite thing to do, tennis. It really didn't take much planning besides coming up with questions because they were all things Nicole could answer on the spot which is why we didn't focus too much on a script. Although there was not much planning, there were some questions asked that even Nicole hadn't thought about. When asked about her inspiration for tennis, she first answered "I don't know. I don't think I have one". Once she thought about it more though, she came to the conclusion that it is between playing with her friends, her father pushing her to play and try a new sp...