Art Show Blog Post
Overall, this was one of my favorite films I have made this year. I think working with a larger group made it a lot more fun as we were able to generate more ideas and be more creative. We worked really well together and never stopped brainstorming ideas. We were able to use many different shot types and techniques to better improve how this film came out. In this shot, we decided to show certain lighting. We wanted to make it seem as though there was an interrogation going on. We thought that it would be interesting to shine a light on one side of the boy's face as if he was being interrogated. This came at very well and I am glad we chose to be creative with this shot. In this shot, I chose to change the lighting of the film as it was a flashback memory. I tried to dim the lighting, and make it seem more like a memory in the past, rather than a live event. I think this decision really added to the film as it was a creative touch that showed more detail to what was g...