The Stalker
I practiced many different types of film during this assignment, some of them being cutting on action and focusing on the eight different angles. I used these types of film, because I think that they went really well with the type of film that I was doing.
I think that the result came out very good because I wanted to make a creepy film, but at the same time a film where you could tell what was going on without any dialogue, which I think I accomplished. I also really liked making this film because I really felt like I was a real movie director and there were some points where I wanted to film even more and make it like a real long movie.
I would next time maybe add some dialogue to make it look more like a real movie. As I was saying before, I am happy that I was able to create a film that is understandable without any dialogue, although I think it would have helped.
This is the YouTube video:
This is my story board:
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