The Locker!!


This Locker!!

For this film, we wanted to do something interesting, but nothing crazy as it was our first film. We chose to use a school type setting, where someone was running late for class, and going to get their notes from their locker. We incorperated running as a way to really emphasize how the boy was late for class and was rushing to get there on time. I think one of the most successful parts of this film was the transition from the boy opening the locker to an inside point of view of the boy taking his stuff out of the locker. I felt that this worked really well and just made the film look overall better. The least succesful part of the project was the actual videoing because it took many tries to get it right. This was difficult to do though because we were using a real camera, as opposed to a phone like we had been using all of last year. I learned from this project that there are many different points of view where you are filming that can make the film look better or worse. For example, the inside of the locker point of view worked really well. This is a goal that I would like to set for myself this year in all of my films. 

These are exmample of the different shot types and angles we used. 



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